
Posted by Kirsten Gibbs
Last updated 1st October 2020
reading time

  • Your Promise of Value is unlikely to change much over time.  That is the point of it after all - to encapsulate the thing your business is here to do for the people you serve.   By the time you can get clear on that, it isn't going to change.

    How you deliver on that Promise will vary however, not only over time, but also within any one time.

    Packaging allows you to offer your Promise in a format that will suit a particular kind of customer with a more specific need from you - a litre of whisky is for drinking at home or with friends; 35ml of whisky in a golf-ball shaped bottle is for giving, or collecting as part of a set.

    Packaging lets people try you out before they take a bigger risk with you - a free sample, a test-drive or a trial period lets me check whether you'll deliver on the promise you're making.

    It's also how you evolve as a business in step with the people you serve - someone who has just bought a puppy is not ready for a dog-walking service, but they will appreciate puppy visits; one copy of a book is for my own reading, several copies are for giving away.

    Packaging helps people to recognise themselves, their situation and their need instantly.  Embrace it.  It's not about you.

    It's about your customer, and making it easy for them to buy from you.  Or not.

    An hour as a package makes no sense.

    Packaging Row 1 image