Tired out

Posted by Kirsten Gibbs
Last updated 10th December 2021
reading time

  • My cat spends almost all her time in our new extension, staring through the big doors into the garden, eyes peeled for squirrels, mice, other cats.  Ready to shoot out and deal with anything that invades her space.

    Most of the time, none of these things are actually happening, but still she stares, mistaking any movement of grass, branch or shrub for a potential threat.

    Finally, tired out after hours of fretting over imaginary invaders, she takes herself off to somewhere she feels safe and sheltered, and sleeps.

    She's a cat, she's wired that way.  So to an extent are we.  But we know that.  Which means we can choose to behave differently, and save our energies for dealing with the real predators, not the imaginary ones.

    We could start by turning our back on the big windows.

    Tired out Row 1 image
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