
Posted by Kirsten Gibbs
Last updated 30th March 2023
reading time

  • Some people like to push the idea that 'tech' will be the answer to all our woes.

    And they're right.

    Just remember that 'tech' isn't necessarily their tech.

    Breeding deep-rooted perennial wheat and rice is 'tech'.   Wind-powered ships are 'tech'.  Permaculture and agro-forestry are 'tech'.  Line-fishing is 'tech'.  15-minute cities are 'tech'.  A circular economy is 'tech'.   Flint knives are 'tech'.   Bark-cloth is 'tech'.   All of these technologies have been used in the past and are being used right now.  We don't even need to invent them.

    But the 'tech' that will really save us is our imagination.   If we use it to design ways of being that will work with our planet instead of against it.

    We've done that before too.

    Discipline makes Daring possible.


    HT to Dave Foulkes for the prompt.

    ‘Tech’ Row 1 image
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